Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Debate: The Morning After

Last night, I found John McCain's debate performance to be superior, if not by much, to Obama's However, with a night to sleep on it, I get the feeling that the electoral impact will be to the latter's benefit. McCain's answers on the economy were inadequate. He needed to score some points there, especially given his dramatic move on the bail-out plan. He may have squandered any political capital that might have been gained by his sudden descent on Washington. Dick Morris makes this argument, as well.
McCain needs to spend a long weekend with Jack Kemp and Rudy Giuliani, pronto, for a crash-course in economic policy and its verbal articulation. They are some the few (former) politicians able to speak in Reaganesque terms about the virtues of a free market. Otherwise, Obama's promises for a socialist tomorrow will carry the day.


Rob said...

Sadly, I think you are right. From what I have seen a lot of people thought Obama won the debate. Now what the means? I have no idea. But it isn't a good outcome.

Now Schmidt is a Rove acolyte so it might be he's just waiting to hit every week in october with a series of prepped attack ads (making Obama respond each news cycle to something new). I HOPE that is the case. Otherwise I think they are really letting Obama off without hitting his connections, etc.

Rob said...

Is it bad to worry that McCain's staff is going to refuse to "Free Palin" and just let her be her amazing self in the upcoming debate - and hence screw this all up?

She's good, I know that from what I had seen, and I trust your judgment since you've seen her on Kudlow et al. But, I have yet to really see that spark on anything she has done nationally. Logically then the new variable that must be mucking this all up is McCain/staffers.

I guess the real question is can we incapacitate them for a week?

I just think if she knocks it out of the park - a lot of the inherent worries (since I"m sure this will be a heavily watched debate) go away and she reclaims the mantle of popularity/good judgment that she had going out of the convention.